We promote circular impact through plastic transformation.
Wise Plásticos began its journey in 2007 with a commitment to recover over 300 million kilograms of plastic waste by 2026, transforming these materials into new valuable products for various conscious consumer markets.
A journey that began with the challenge of recovering used plastic and transforming it into high-value applications, always bringing sustainability to the segments we serve, and focusing on our customers. We operate in the field of plastic circularity, offering recycled resins (100% post-consumer and industrial) that replace virgin plastic resin from non-renewable sources.
Our business units continue to grow, just as our product lines:
Wisewood, offers high-engineering technology parts produced with recycled plastic. These parts include sleepers, level crossings, pedestrian crossings, and shims, with a primary focus on railways, port areas, logistics, among others. They provide plastic composites that replace wood, concrete, steel, fiberglass, and other materials, continually striving to enhance performance and, of course, reduce environmental impact.
A Wise Plásticos offers high quality recycled PP (polypropylene) and PEAD (high density polyethylene) resins, produced with 100% post-consumer plastic waste. These materials come from a fully traceable origin and hold the global Recyclass certification. Wise Plásticos has Oceanowise and Ecowise recycled resin lines, which are present in hundreds of different products on the shelves in Brazil and around the world – a recognition of to the quality and performance of our PCRs (post-consumer plastic resins).
Waste Management, in which we apply our work concept of valuing used plastic and caring for the environment. We collect waste generated by industries, commerce, and large generators of plastic waste to ensure the return of this valuable input to the production chain and proper disposal of what is minimal and strictly necessary.
Everything we do is carried out with a deep awareness of our socio-environmental impact and the sustainability of our business. By doing so, we bring greater peace of mind to our customers and partners.
Together and for everyone.
Wise Plásticos S.A.
Conscious Plastic

Our Vision
To be a global reference in circular economy, driving the consumption of conscious plastic.
Plastic aware of its positive impact – environmental, social and economic.
Our principles
Attitude and Boldness
Customer centric
Our manifest
We exist because we believe the world can be different. A world where production and consumption are conscious, circular, sustainable, and inclusive.
From the earth, we take the minimum amount of resources and return the minimum amount of waste.
Circular Economy. Plastic recycling, that’s what we exist for.
We invest in technology and best management practices to deliver the best products in technical, economic, and socio-environmental terms. We do this together, respectfully, ethically, and efficiently. We do this together because we need each other to evolve.
Along with our customers, who often dare and overcome barriers to use an innovative and more sustainable material. Together with our suppliers, who enable the circular economy possible and creates job opportunities for thousands of vulnerable people. Along with the consumer and society as a whole, increasingly committed to conscious consumption.
Together, we produce plastic that is conscious of its positive environmental, social and economic impact, as it should be. Because leading means paving new paths.
Wise. Circular impact.
Wise's business pillars
Circularity and innovation

Ecoefficient Operation

Social Impact


Who are we?


Wise Certifications

Recycled Resins Certifications