Resin developed from plastic waste collected from coastal areas.

The OceanoWise line of recycled HDPE and PP resins is produced from post-consumer plastic waste collected on the Brazilian coast area. OceanoWise contributes to the preservation of marine life, prevents plastic waste from remaining in the environment and values the work of selective collection cooperatives on the Brazilian coast. Ensuring a positive environmental, social and economic impact. The collection network and traceability process of the OceanoWise line are audited by SGS and its resins are certified by RECYCLASS, ensuring quality and reliability throughout the production chain of our products.
Contact us to learn more about OceanoWise. And be part of the movement for less plastic waste on our beaches, mangroves and seas.

The Oceanowise resin has all the guarantees of Wise recycled resins: SMETA audit, RECYCLASS certification to validate the quality, governance and traceability of our raw material.
The resins Oceanowise are also monitored of presence of substances such as volatiles and heavy metals in compliance with Reach regulations.
The supplier´s and all traceability control for these resins Oceanowise are located on the Brazilian coast and these control were audited by SGS.
Main applications:
• Blowing and extrusion: HDPE – bottles, tubes, among others.
• Injection: PP – dosing caps, screws, disc-tops, plastic packaging production, plastic parts in general, such as parts for household appliances, furniture, plastic utensils, parts for construction, toys, among others.

Wise Certifications

Recycled Resins Certifications